its ok...what u doeng...whats the tym there?
hai my name is mohsin ....farhan my nick name rit.,me mohsin?
sory net prb....ok sory nuthng..
no....its true...what abt ur lyf.
m gf.,no gf no tension...n m studying..
may b...but m not ......why u still awake.?
Hai, lam knl aj deh.. ! N bleh kan qt knln.. ?
may b...but i thnk love mean not önly bf n gf....we can say love u also with our frnds .rit
just frnd n chat....what abt u...? what u doeng.?
why ...whats on my wall..?
not so.....m a sample boy...just sample ...rit..
salam kenal ya?
Makasih udah bls