when i am awake yu are sleeping. the world shape is not fair to us btw yur girlfren is si attractive to me too. . . . . dude i hope she dont cheat yu like those other bitch good luck
Someone said... ''its hard to live alone...its harder to choose someone to love...'' but the hardert part of loving is to admit that you have fallin inlove to someone who can never be your's!
I replied... ''and you know the best part is when you get the person you love the most while other people still keep thinking is not possible..''
iF u R jUsT hEr fReN tHn wHy aRe yOu vIsItInG mY pRofIlE eVeRY hOuR, eVeRydAy. . . . . . iF u R hEr fReN rEsPecT hEr rElaTiOnsHiP. . . . aNd sToP sHoWiNg mE uR fAcE iN mY vIsItOrS lIsT. . . .