'LiFe hAs iTs Ups n DowNs. SomEtimEs thE sun shinEs, somEtimEs thE raiN lashEs, bUt thEn iT takEs boTh thE Sun n Rain tO maKe a RAINBoW It givEs ansWer iN 3 waYs… It saYs YeS & givEs u whAt u waNt, it saYs nO aNd givEs u somEthiNg bEttEr, iT saYs waiT aNd givEs u the BeSt!' HaVe a greAt.. Gud DaY...:
“Thought 4 the day” I CriEd whEn I hAd nO shoEs. SuddenLy I sToppEd cRyiNg whEn i sAw a mAn wiThouT leG. LifE iS fuLL of BlEssinGs sOmeTime wE dOn’t uNdeRstaNd iT.GooD MorNinG...¤~¤~¤
A Lovely thing to learn from Water. Adjust urself in every situation & in any shape. But most importantly, Always find out ur 'Own Way 2 Flow. Gud mrng.
Sardar:Will U Marry me? Girl:Sorry I'm a Lesbian. Sardar:"Whats Lesbian?" Girl:"I have Sex only with Girls". Sardar:"Maar Taali I'm also Lesbian" yOu doNt likE.. OH.. nO smiLe ok tRy aNoThEr... ''NURSE KEPT SARDAR FINGER IN HER MOUTH AFTER BLOOD TEST THEN HE STARTED DANCING.. NURSE: Y you are dancing? SARDAR:Next is urine test doN kiL mE..itS jusT a jokE 4 uR sMiLiNg wEekeNd frieNdhAVe">http://www.funnypictures24.com/fp/funny_humans/funny_people_picture_34.jpg" border="0"/>hAVe FanTastiC weEkENd With sMiLe aNd a..a..a..a...
Very Short story Two friends Mr.See and Mr.Saw One day Mr.see saw sea & Mr.saw didnt see sea.See saw sea & jumped in sea. Saw didnt see sea but jumped in sea.See saw saw in sea & saw saw see in sea.See saw both saw sea and both saw and see were happy to see sea THE END Cool down..drink a glass of water...good morning dear...
Silent lips may avoid many problems, But smiling lips will solve many problems, So always have a smile on your face....Good Morning dear.....hav a fantastic day...