'What’s thE usE oF worRyinG? It nEvEr wAs worTh whiLe, sO paCk uP yoUr trOubLes iN yoUr oLd kiT-baG, anD smiLe... smiLe... smiLe... GOOD MORNING... haVe a nicE dAy wiTh smiLe...lookE soMe exAmpLe of smiLe 4 YoU i">http://www.funnyjunksite.com/pictures/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-horse-pictures-14.jpg" border="0"/>i have won the raceangry">http://www.funnypictures24.com/fp/funny_animals/funny_animals/snake/funny_snake_picture_10.jpg" border="0"/>angry smileartist">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal359.gif" border="0"/>artist smileback">http://www.funnypictures24.com/fp/funny_animated_pictures/funny_animated_picture_86.gif" border="0"/>back smilenow">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal307.gif" border="0"/>now and then smiledeadly">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal337.gif" border="0"/>deadly smilenow">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley118.gif" border="0"/>now choose one and wear it
AnOthEr mOnTh~ anOthEr yeAr~ aNoThEr smiLe~ aNoThEr tEaR~ aNoThEr wiNtEr~ a sUmmEr tOO... bUt tHeRe wiLL nEvEr bE.... aNoThEr yOu!!! CoLouRfuL dAy to yOu... ~ ! ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ! ~
">http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/6803/strangesmellsbym0thyyku.jpg" border="0"/> Silence may mean you are breaking down or could be mean you need some time alone
Silence may mean you are happy and fine or could be mean no words to describe the feeling at all
Silence may mean you're saying something can never express in words or could be simply wanting to keep it just inside..
Silence speaks Silence screams Silence talks louder than any word
We all need sometimes to be silent to know who we really are, What we really want Where we really wanna go.. "
" May your heart always speak with hope, love and trust even in deep silence..
'HaPpiNesS aLwAys LookS smaLL; if yOu hoLd iT iN uR hanDs. But whEn u leaRn tO shaRe iT, u wiLL rEaLizE hOw biG And prEcioUs iT iS!!!' ALwayS Be HaPPy. ~~>..~~>... ~~~>....
">http://image.ohozaa.com/i/737/blackflower1.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2778/2778709hoh6inzgzf.gif" border="0"/> A smile is a sign of joy. ">http://image.ohozaa.com/i/6e8/black_flower2.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2778/2778709hoh6inzgzf.gif" border="0"/> A hug is a sign of Love, ">http://image.ohozaa.com/i/e22/blackflower5.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2778/2778709hoh6inzgzf.gif" border="0"/> a laugh is a sign of happiness. ">http://image.ohozaa.com/i/702/blackflower6.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2778/2778709hoh6inzgzf.gif" border="0"/> FRienD knows no season, ">http://image.ohozaa.com/i/f11/blackflowers4.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2778/2778709hoh6inzgzf.gif" border="0"/> knows no time, it has a sole intension of bringing ">http://image.ohozaa.com/i/fa1/bookbwcleancopy.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2778/2778709hoh6inzgzf.gif" border="0"/> two peoples togetherto a moment called "FOREVER" ">http://image.ohozaa.com/i/e90/blackflower7.jpg" border="0"/>
LikE a weLcomE sUmmEr rAiN, smiLe mAy sUddEnLy cLeAnsE aAd cooL thE earTh, thE aiR aAd yOu...sO starT uR dAy witH smiLe aNd aNd eNd yoUr dAy wiTh keeP smiLinG..aNd smiLinG sorry bro.
G ">http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1008/1008951xbh88shb03.gif" border="0"/> o ">http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1008/1008951xbh88shb03.gif" border="0"/> o ">http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1008/1008951xbh88shb03.gif" border="0"/> d ">http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1008/1008951xbh88shb03.gif" border="0"/> DAY