**ImaGiNe iF AlL ''ReLAtioNsHiPs'' R PeRfEcT: ...nO FiGhTs ...nO TeArS ...No aRgUmEnTs, ...nO MiSuNdErStAnDiNgS DrEAm cOmE TrUe... BuT wItHoUt tHeSe, ThErE WoUlD Be… ...No sOrRy ...hUgS & KiSsEs, ...nO SaYiNg oF ThE SwEeTeSt wOrDs, ...nO ReAsOnS To sTaY. ...nO GrOwTh oF FaItH In bOtH Of yOu. NoW wOuLd yOu wAnT It tO Be pErFeCt ***************************** TrUe ReLAtioNsHiP bLosSoMs, WheN YoU WiLL Be sOrRy fOr yOuR MiStAkEs, hUgS & KiSsEs... A ChAnCe oF SaYiNg oF ThE SwEeTeSt wOrDs... FiNd rEaSoNs tO StAy.... GroW FaItH In bOtH Of yOu....:**gOOd NiGhT...