Open your tinky minky eyes,standup and strech your crunchy prunchy bonz and then wakeup yourself,tell your brain to refresh and tell yourself today is in good day.............!!!!
LearninG HistorY Is So EasY BuT MakinG HistorY Is So DifficulT MakE A HistorY Of YourselF & MakE OtherS To LearN It.......!!!! ">" border="0"/> My DeaR FrienD
If u dare i mn not aftraid...go to missTENSION profile..!there is msg in her gstbk.sm1 snt to her a img open it...! She is in my wall...! Go when u open img opn ur slwly.,ok i'm wellwisher try it
*Stars r seen together yet they r so far apart true--may">" border="0"/>may not speak everyday remember they r always linked together TO ">" border="0"/>