mai college ja da ha. So saami krna gll tere knne. ">" border="0"/>
oh..2 friends together.. WhY Do bOyS NeEd a fRiEnD WhO Is a gIrL ??? bEcAuSe: -ShE WiLl nEvEr lEaVe u aLoNe wHeN U ArE SaD… -sHe wIlL SeE To iT ThAt u dO Ur wOrKs oN TiMe… -ShE WiLl mAkE SuRe u dOn’t sKiP MeAlS To pLaY MaTcHeS & Do wOrK… -sHe wIlL AsK U To lEaVe uR BaD HaBiTs eVeRyDaY, eVeRy tImE… -sHe wIlL FiGhT WiTh u oN SmAlL MaTtErS, bT WoN’T KeEp d aNgEr fOr lOnG… -sHe wIlL MaKe yOu mOnEy-wIsE… -sHe wIlL SaY: dOn’t w0rRy, EvEn iF ThErE’S LoT To wOrRy oR NoThInG To wOrRy... -sHe wIlL MaKe yOu pUnCtUaL… -sHe wIlL HeLp yOu rEsTrAiN Ur aNgEr… -ShE WiLl tAlK To u 15 TiMeS A DaY To kNoW WhAt u’rE DoInG… U MiGhT FeEl bUgGeD At tImEs, Bt tRuTh iS ThAt yOu cAn’t dO AnYtHiNg wItHoUt hEr… As gIrLs aRe sPeCiAl gIfT Of gOd fOr bOyS… So... rEaLiZe tHeIr wOrTh aNd tAkE CaRe 0F ThEm… dEdIcAtEd tO AlL GiRlS AnD BoYs wHo sHaRe tHe lOvE AnD FrIeNdShIp…!!
Everybody Searches For A Chance To Impress Other But They Don’t Understands That Impressions Are Made By Very Casual Happening... G o o d M o r n ! n g....¥~.^~^.~^.~¥ ~.~^~. ¥