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12 years ago
Hw cAn u *Sm_lE* WiThOuT *I*? HoW CaN U B *F_Ne* WiThOuT …*I*? ………hOw cAn u *w_sH* WiThOuT *I* HoW CaN U B *Fr_eNd* wItHoUt *I* sO *I”* aM VrY ImPoRtAnT! BuT ThIs *I* cAn nEvEr aChIeVe s_cCeSs wItHoUt ** u ** ……AnD ThAt mAkEs **U** mOrE ImPoRtAnT tHaN *I*just">" border="0"/>just answertake care always..good night,,,sweet dreams
12 years ago
''PeNcIl: I’M SoRrY eRaSeR: fOr wHaT? yOu dIdN’T Do aNyThInG WrOnG. PeNcIl: I’M SoRrY CoS YoU GeT HuRt bCoS Of mE. wHeNeVeR I MaDe a mIsTaKe, YoU’Re aLwAyS ThErE To eRaSe iT. bUt aS YoU MaKe mY MiStAkEs vAnIsH, yOu lOsE A PaRt oF YoUrSeLf. YoU GeT SmAlLeR AnD SmAlLeR EaCh tImE. ErAsEr: ThAt’s tRuE. bUt i dOn’t rEaLlY MiNd. YoU SeE, i wAs mAdE To dO ThIs. I WaS MaDe tO HeLp yOu wHeNeVeR YoU Do sOmEtHiNg wRoNg. EvEn tHoUgH OnE DaY, i kNoW I’Ll bE GoNe aNd yOu’lL RePlAcE Me wItH A NeW OnE, i’m aCtUaLlY HaPpY WiTh mY JoB. sO PlEaSe, StOp wOrRyInG. i hAtE SeEiNg yOu sAd.* * * * * * * * * * * I FoUnD ThIs cOnVeRsAtIoN BeTwEeN ThE PeNcIl aNd tHe eRaSeR VeRy iNsPiRaTiOnAl... PaReNtS ArE LiKe tHe eRaSeR WhErEaS ThEiR ChIlDrEn aRe tHe pEnCiL. tHeY’Re aLwAyS ThErE FoR ThEiR ChIlDrEn, ClEaNiNg uP ThEiR MiStAkEs. SoMeTiMeS AlOnG ThE WaY… tHeY GeT HuRt, AnD BeCoMe sMaLlEr (OlDeR, aNd eVeNtUaLlY PaSs oN). tHoUgH ThEiR ChIlDrEn wIlL EvEnTuAlLy fInD SoMeOnE NeW (sPoUsE), BuT PaReNtS ArE StIlL HaPpY WiTh wHaT ThEy dO FoR ThEiR ChIlDrEn, AnD WiLl aLwAyS HaTe sEeInG ThEiR PrEcIoUs oNeS WoRrYiNg, Or sAd. “AlL My lIfE, i’vE BeEn tHe pEnCiL.. AnD It pAiNs mE To sEe tHe eRaSeR ThAt iS My pArEnTs gEtTiNg sMaLlEr aNd sMaLlEr eAcH DaY... FoR I KnOw tHaT OnE DaY, aLl tHaT I’M LeFt wItH WoUlD Be eRaSeR ShAvInGs aNd mEmOrIeS Of wHaT I UsEd tO HaVe…” DeDiCaTinG To PaReNtS....i lOsT ThEm... BuT MaYbE StIlL U HaVe.... Reply
12 years ago
13 years ago
Dost banungi lekin mere liye aapko 1 sms karna hoga or uska replay muje send karna hoga sms hai JOIN SPORTCLUB send it 9223492234 >ye mera no. Nahi hai group ka hai ok usme call nahi jata hai sirf sms jata hai >sms karo or mere dost bano
13 years ago
good afternoon
13 years ago
neha u r lucky.god rains on u a shower beauty
13 years ago
hai neha nice luk nice clr.
13 years ago
'Winning horse does not know why it runs the race. It runs because of beats & pains. Life is a race; God is your rider.So if u r in pain then think, God wants u to win.'.... So if you have some will be a winner.. So smile with pain Gut night... Lovely dream's dear friend.. miss you...
13 years ago
hey friend good morning!!
13 years ago
hi happy holi
13 years ago
Hi neha i want to join with you plz add me
13 years ago
13 years ago
Hi friend its let
13 years ago
hi silent friend.. Have nice time.. Thanx.
13 years ago
Happy shivaratri.
13 years ago
Eantha vishasham
13 years ago
hi, neha friendship karogi pls reply
13 years ago
Hi how are you am come back
13 years ago
13 years ago
Hai! I want your friendship.
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