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الجنس: ذكر
العمر: 104

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Lemon Fresh Warrior.: Sniff my hairy stink nuggets!

OwnSkin في صندوق


If you use my skin's/themes then at least have the decency to rate them. Also, I would appreciate it if you typed up a quick 1000 word essay on why you downloaded it. Send it directly to my secretary. It's only common courtesy.

I may very well offend the non-whites who live in England. That's okay though. Your presence here offends me.
Take comfort in the fact that I love you. I'd love you far better if you just went home to your own country!
Does this make me racist? No. I like different cultures, colours and creeds. But, England is England. I would be deeply ashamed if my fellow country folk moved to your country and built a British way of life there.
There is a saying; "When in Rome do as the Romans do". Surely that applies to all countries?

You may very well disagree with my views. Well, we can't all be the same now, can we.

If you like my skin's and they are not fitting for your paricular phone then let me know, I may be albe to sort something out for you.
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