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Themero desde: 12 years ago
Comunidad/Localidad: lumut town
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Edad: 36

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Relación: Soltero
Modelo de Movil: iphone 3gs
Operador de Movil: 3g
Ocupación: drumah saja
Escuela: st angelos school
Me gusta: setia, jujur, baik
Odio: curang, pnipu, playboy buaya darat
Música Favorita: romantic, jazz
Peliculas Favoritas: social movies, investigate, cid
Libros Favoritos: nda ku suka baca buku
Famosos Favoritos: nada sapa2
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sporting,friendly,happy always,setia x aar libra kalii ahaxx xpp,

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8 years ago

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8 years ago
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theater, real Dickens on a canvas. - Beams of the sunset sun last time concerned warm bark of the trees which were on the square, and on a gray stone of neighboring houses soft light flew. Vague fog was groundless, but, appear, it only expanded light - as though its dairy streaks expanded outside and turned into a smoke.
NEED MONEY NOW NO JOB - I NEED MONEY NOW WHAT CAN I DO - MONEY SAVING TIPS AND IDEAS - SURVEYS FOR MONEY SCAMS - NEED TO BORROW MONEY NOW Characters was seven, like spheres over us, and they acted very solemnly: here so by means of tableau vivant and shows it is possible to display the deepest world regularities. One of the main characters in a royal cloak stepped forward to address to us, but here John Overberi was inclined to me and pointed to crowd. "See Merion? - he asked.
12 years ago
puas ati sebanar2 nya lapas cakap ii semua
12 years ago
single is bored
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