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Dernier login: 15 years ago
Skinner depuis: 17 years ago
Pays/Region: bulacan
Sexe: Feminin
Age: 36

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Relation: C'est un Secret
Modele de portable: 6600
Operateur GSM: globe
J'adore: PINK, black and white, real people
Je deteste: NEGA
Musique Favorite: rnb, reggae, pop and hiphop
Film Favoris: disturbia, vacancy, when a stranger calls, all good horror suspense flicks, harry potter series, and so many more, i am glued on flicks
Livre Favoris: making waves, so far, thesaurus and diccionario
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nyleica: dame is analogous to flowers halt picking em if its to ruin is mah sweet whim..

OwnSkin In-A-Box

a propos de moi

i am actually made up of sugar, spice and everything nice..harhar..i luv the limelight, i maybe a speaker but im a good listener, friends use to walks towards me like ants to the candybar coz i am super loyal and trust me...ahem...i am trustworthy...oh!i hav to say diz...!i am so in love with the color PINK! dats actually my get happy the cool tunes of reggae and rnb...wot else?i luv moi...dats all..harharr

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