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Login terakhir: 13 years ago
Skinner sejak: 17 years ago
negara: NJ
jenis kelamin: wanita
Umur: 39

Anonymous Identity

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Hubungan: Dalam hubungan
Model seluler: Nokia 6210S
Operator seluler: CMCC
Yang saya suka: S, H, E, 吴尊, 粉红色, Melody, Charmmy, 哆啦A梦, 所有善良的人
Yang Saya tidak suka: 做作, 自以为是, 蚊子
Musik favorit: S, H, E的歌
Film favorit: 《What, dreams, may, come》
Buku favorit: meaningful
Selebriti favorit: S, H, E, 吴尊
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Buku tamu saya (2) Daftar buku tamu

8 years ago

TRAILER FANTASTIC FOUR - NEW FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIES - FANTASTIC FOUR OFFICIAL TRAILER - FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIE ONLINE - NEW FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIES - There were four hours, the most quiet morning period when I uslykhat in a crystal weak call, or whisper. Did not pass also minutes as it is very far - though it was not further than in a room corner, - there was a woman, so light and transparent that I saw in it the male child. It came nearer to me with the stretched hands, and I suddenly understood that the child in its belly is I.
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8 years ago
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But while things are being decided, I hope, it is possible to make still success in America with your songs, and therefore I write you, Albert if you want, spit the affairs in Russia and come here, we will work for the company, but you do not want, - disappear you though live vanish into thin air!
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