JerVilR  留言板 (528) 留言

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12 years ago
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.... everything isn't so important in this life, except feeling of the happy person. To foresee that tomorrow it will be simply impossible... But the love in heart, harmony in soul, a smile upon the face, is that undoubtedly will help to believe in tomorrow... To trust. The belief is an obligatory component of any person.
12 years ago
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Love each other and try to see in the friend the friend only that draws you, and your love will last the whole eternity, don't notice shortcomings and that isn't pleasant to you! Appreciate every second reciprocity.
12 years ago
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The best minutes in life are minutes carried out with darlings. The best memoirs are connected with darlings. The strongest emotions you test to people whom you love. Favourite people are the most high points in life, they - the best part it, they those who do us happy. Protect those who for you LOVE!
12 years ago
12 years ago
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Life is fine, when create it.
12 years ago
12 years ago
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Let every person that God sends you today in life, will be the most important, the most expensive and closest to you. Warm his soul! You are beautiful and romantic evening night, my dear friends!
12 years ago
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Original miracles not the noisy. And the most important events are very simple. Take pleasure in the last days leaving summer in full..... Rejoice lives and be happy!
12 years ago

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12 years ago
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12 years ago

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12 years ago
The smile characterizes the happy person.... I am happy now.... How are you?
12 years ago
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Let you will have today the whole day joyful, smiling mood, let today there will be a sea of high points;) Excellent to you day!)))
12 years ago
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Let this evening will be beautiful... the warm cozy... joyful... desired for you!!
12 years ago
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... The decline and a dawn — is examples of true uniqueness … Happen every day and don't repeat never... Pleasant evening for you, friends!
12 years ago
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The pleasure is born for love! ♥
If to give love - you test infinite pleasure! Make today something with love - and feel, how many pleasure it to you will present! ツ
12 years ago

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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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Time - the only thing that never will return to us... We have it... but also doesn't belong to us... Not in ours forces to hold him in hands... it escapes as if sand through fingers... This day won't repeat twice... This instant... that here and now... won't come again... In it its charm... It it is unique... The instant is more expensive than all richness of the world... To appreciate time... and to enjoy its every instant... After all each passable minute... which has chance everything to change... the most invaluable treasure of life...
12 years ago
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Don't waste time on charges. Good people will bring you happiness!! Bad people will award you experience! The worst — will give you a lesson! And the best will present memoirs! Appreciate everyone...
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