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Kittygirl: You don't need a reason to help people



On one hand, there are people who live their life lavishly. They are not only enjoying the joy of essentials but also have what they want and desire; a luxurious living providing them an extra comfort. On the other hand, there are people who cannot even afford the basic requirements of living. They do not have shelter to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear.People who have extra are living a comfortable and a posh life. While those who have barely the vitals are fighting each day for life.They fail to meet the basic requirements. There are people who have much more than they need to live while others have barely enough to survive. Poor people do not have enough clothing, food, education and healthcare. Being poor means deprived economically, politically and socially. They hardly get opportunities. They have inadequate nutrition, higher risk of diseases and lack access to healthcare and basic essentials for living resulting in low achievement. One cannot make such people opulent but can at least help them achieve the essentials of life and lead a prosperous life. Helping the poor and needy people is a good deed. Caring for the poor and needy people and helping them is a noble endeavor. The more you give to poor and needy people, the more you strengthen their dependency. If you give them the chance or opportunity, you’ll see an effective and long-lasting improvement in their lives. Create a new system built on inter-dependency which motivates them to work and move forward and their dignity is maintained. Tossing out money or other kinds of donation do help the poor and needy people but the need is to direct your energies and efforts in raising them, building relationship, teaching them and moreover, regaining their self-confidence and self-esteem to work for themselves. Change your perspective. Instead of considering them as a project to help, view them as people to love and respect. Following are the few ways to help the poor and needy people

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8 年前
bhooool gaaaai
9 年前


9 年前
For YOU! ...
There is a place where everything is possible. Where love is true. This place is called HEART ...
It is here that I keep the SPECIAL people who do not always see, but never forget ...
10 年前
Life offers no promises or guarantees Only possibilities and opportunities...

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