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Idea for Valentine Days

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zizo202  (13 years ago)
Shifana69  (13 years ago)
Love u toooo darling heart:
maruf794  (13 years ago)
ha ha some words placed wrongly but my wish for you is real...you alway's welcome.. bbye...
Shifana69  (13 years ago)
Bye tenshu be happy always hope will c u soon have a nice tym
maruf794  (13 years ago)
i will wait...bbye...thanx for come dont worry everything will be ok..n ur life..i pray from my bottom of my heart
maruf794  (13 years ago)
ha ha ha i'm the master of idiot.. i kno that but i dont sad or shy..because i'm not robot i dont want to be a perfect person..i always doing some wrong and i love to realise wats right i think yo also not robot nice colourful ava without colour
maruf794  (13 years ago)
because only a idiot can recognise another idiot
maruf794  (13 years ago)
ha ha ha yas total idiot
ZAIDISHAAN  (13 years ago)
maruf794  (13 years ago)
WhNn U fEeL U R aLonE iN thE CrOwD... WhEn U ThinK No onE cAn UndErStaNd U... WhEn UR LovE iS rejEctEd bY oTheRs... & whEn U hAtE UR LifE... JUsT CLosE UR EyEs... & sEe.. ParEnTs' fAccE whO LovEs U {Image} {Image} {Image} idiot idiot idiot

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