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DINIL79 Guestbook

DINIL79  (12 years ago)
{Image} PRASHANT AHIR.......
DINIL79  (12 years ago)
DINIL79  (12 years ago)
!=- -..(*..-=_;
i i
satana06  (12 years ago)
♥ ♥ Yo can close yor eyes
to things you dunt waana to see,

but you can't close yor heart
to the things yo don't want to
feel ♥ ♥
satana06  (12 years ago)
satana06  (12 years ago)

da mOst tOuchín linEz wRittEn by a frIend to a friEnd...

"even yo mis me, neither yo cRy
Fo a dRop of tearz in yor eyez, is a day lezz in mah life

satana06  (12 years ago)

A smile is like a Sim
card and Life is like a

Whenever You
insert the Sim card of a
smile , A beautiful day
isActivated …

morning and keEp smiling.

satana06  (12 years ago)

Life ends when you stop
dreaming, hope ends when you
stop believing and love ends
when you stop caring. So dream
hope and love...Makes Life

Mimee25  (12 years ago)
Why didn't you put your picture
Mimee25  (12 years ago)
Thanks for accepted me
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