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KismatB  (10 years ago)

Every tear is a sign of broken heart,
Every silence is a sign of loneliness,
Every smile is a sign of happiness,
Every message is a
Symbol of Remembrance.
Goodnight friend
Have a sweet night
Take care


tarekttoty  (10 years ago)

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tarekttoty  (10 years ago)

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KismatB  (10 years ago)

A Good message for a Good person
from a Good friend
for Good Reason
at a Good time on a Good day
in a Good mood to say…
Good Night…


tarekttoty  (10 years ago)

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zizo202  (10 years ago)

KismatB  (10 years ago)

In life when you get troubles,
don’t get nervous…
Just close your eyes
and follow ur heart…
b’coz heart may be in left
but it is always right.
Have a Nice Day!


zizo202  (10 years ago)

tarekttoty  (10 years ago)

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KismatB  (10 years ago)

Goodnight friend
Have a lovely night
Take care


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