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maruf794  (13 years ago)
‘hEaRtBeAtS ArE ThE BiGgEsT HyPoCrItEs iN ThE WoRlD, tHeY BeAt iN YoUr bOdY BuT, aLwAyS DaNcE To tHe tUnE Of sOmEoNe eLsE...' StRaNg bUt tRuE...WiShInG LoVeLy nIgHt... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
Aadity00  (13 years ago)
Hi frndz
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'sInG LiKe nO OnE'S LiStEnInG, lOvE LiKe yOu'vE NeVeR BeEn hUrT, dAnCe lIkE NoBoDy's wAtChInG, aNd lIvE LiKe iTs hEaVeN On eArTh...' LoVeLy MoRniNG.. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} miss you anchal plz come back friend..love you
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
May the 65th yr of that glorious night, Revive in our hearts the pristne zeal; Which inspired our souls to emerge as one, To erase from our destiny the British seal. May this auspicious day set at rest, Our turbulent minds and stormy past; May we all become a single hand, To firmly hold on to the nation's mast. May Pratibha, Hamid and Man Mohan Singh - The highest Triumvirate of India's fate. Become three faiths like the National Flag, To end the era of spite, malice and hate. Happy Independence Day...!!! {Image} {Image} {Image}
juru  (13 years ago)
juru  (13 years ago)
Shyam8619  (13 years ago)
Hi i am shyam gupta from mumbai and you
6INU9  (13 years ago)
maruf794  (13 years ago)
MeAnInG Of sOmE CoLoRs, yElLoW FoR SpEcIaL FrIeNd, WhItE FoR PeAcE, OrAnGe 4 lUcK, bLaCk fOr hAtE, ReD FoR LoVe aNd pInK FoR LiKeNeSs, I WaNt uR CoLoUrFuL LiFe... WiSh u gOoD mOrNinG...~^~ ~^~ ~^~
maruf794  (13 years ago)
** 21sT CeNtUrY ** oUr pHoNe :- WiReLeSs ! cOoKiNg :- FiReLeSs ! fOoD-FaTlEsS ! dReSs-sLeEvElEsS ! YoUtH- jObLeSs ! lEaDeRs- ShAmElEsS ! ReLaTiOnS- mEaNiNgLeSs ! aTtItUdE- cArElEsS ! FeElInGs- HeArTlEsS ! EdUcAtIoN- vAlUeLeSs ! bUt sTiLl, OuR HoPeS :- eNdLeSs..!! gOOd niGhT..LoVeLy dReAmS... {Image} {Image} {Image} anchal dear plz come back i miss you soooo much

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