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Jafran20 Guestbook

Fathima7  (13 years ago)
Once in Seminar, a question was asked.... what is a true love..?Appreciated Answer was..." Only Mother Knows the exact answer " {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
Fathima7  (13 years ago)
Always be like a BABY!
Because the BABY does not know about its past as well as its future..
But it enjoys every second of its life....






Fathima7  (13 years ago)
Since your eyes are looking tired...
Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours.
Happy journey into the world of dreams..




Fathima7  (13 years ago)
FRIENDSHIP is a lovely track travelled by two hearts with hand in hand,

to care

to share

to forgive


to say silently i'm always with U.

Friendship is like a book, It takes only few seconds to burn. But it takes years to print, So print it very carefully

Celebrating anything without frnds, is like enjoying a cartoon on radio.."

Fathima7  (13 years ago)
Wh¡le Dað was pol¡s¡ng h¡s new car.H¡s 4 yr olð son p¡ckeðup a stone &scratcheð l¡nes on the s¡ðe of the car.In h¡s anger ðað tøøk d ch¡lðs hanð &h¡t ¡t many t¡mes not real¡z¡ng he was us¡ng a wrench.At d hosp¡tal h¡s ch¡lð sa¡ð ,ðað when w¡ll my f¡ngers grow back? Dad was so hurt.He went back to d car and kicked ¡t a lot of t¡mes.s¡tt¡ng back he lookeð at d scratches.Ch¡lð wrote"I Love U Dað". ANGER and LOVE hav no l¡m¡ts. {Image} {Image} {Image}
Fathima7  (13 years ago)
A person with a pure heart can hav a wonderful smile that makes even his enemy 2feel himself guilty 4 being enemy So catch d world with ur {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
Fathima7  (13 years ago)
"Life never turns the way we want. But we live it d best way we can. There's no perfect life, but we can Fill it with perfect moments" {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} 㣠ÏZZ WE££

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