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argelix  (12 years ago)
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argelix  (12 years ago)
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argelix  (12 years ago)

hush  (12 years ago)



argelix  (12 years ago)
More Fantasy Comments
Efares  (12 years ago)
Good night my dear best friend
maruf794  (12 years ago)
HOW TO KNOW THAT U R NORMAL? 1. U HaV Os aCcOuNt 2. U HaV CeLl pHoNe 3. U WaTcH MtV 4. u uSe uNlImItEd mSg oN Os 6. U SlEeP LaTe 7. U R SoO BuZy tHt u fOrGoT To rEaD NuMbEr 5 9. NoW U ScRoL Up tO SeE If dEr wAs nUmBeR 5 ( DnT WoRy tHeRe iS No nUmBeR 10. nW U R SmIlInG 11. MaY LaUgHiNg 12. rEaLiZiNg tHt u r nT NoRmAl! FrIeNd i dOnT WaNt tO Be nOrMaL...hOpE U 2...GoOd nIgHt....AbNoRmAl dReAmS {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
brokenheart4225  (12 years ago)

Efares  (12 years ago)
Good Night sweet Princess

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