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Tear1 Guestbook

9695961065  (12 years ago)
Frndship n love r medicine for any kind of pain but be sure that there is no medicine in the world for pain given by love n frndship . Gd mrng
AmErIcAnSwEeThEaRt  (12 years ago)
เ ครкє๔ ﻮ๏๔ Ŧ๏г ค ๓เภยtє ภ๔ ﻮ๏๔ ﻮคשє ๓є ค ๔คץ,
เ ครкє๔ ﻮ๏๔ Ŧ๏г ค Ŧl๏ฬєг ภ๔ ﻮ๏๔ ﻮคשє ๓є ค ๒๏ยợยєt,
เ ครкє๔ ﻮ๏๔ Ŧ๏г l๏שє ภ๔ ﻮ๏๔ ﻮคשє ๓є tคt t๏๏,
เ ครкє๔ ﻮ๏๔ Ŧ๏г คภ คภﻮєl ภ๔ ﻮ๏๔ ﻮคשє ๓є ค Ŧгเєภ๔ lเкє ץ๏...

ђคשє ค ฬ๏ภ๔єгŦยl Ŧгเ๔คץ


Tear1  (12 years ago)
No sorry this is my distiny
gentiana  (12 years ago)

AmErIcAnSwEeThEaRt  (12 years ago)
คภ๏tђєг ๓๏ภtђ..
คภ๏tђєг ץєคг..
คภ๏tђєг ร๓เlє..
คภ๏tђєг tєคг..
คภ๏tђєг ฬเภtєг..
& คภ๏tђєг รย๓๓єг t๏๏..
๒ยt tђєгє ςคภ ๒є คภ๏tђєг Ŧгเєภ๔ lเкє ץ๏ย......

ђคשє ค ฬ๏ภ๔єгŦยl ๔คץ ๓ץ Ŧгเєภ๔







Sania55  (12 years ago)

Sun glows for a day
Candle for an hour,
Match stick for a
A good Day can glow
So start your day with a
On your face,

“Good MorninG”

Sania55  (12 years ago)

Begin the day with a light heart.
Let all your worries be swept
aside at night.
Smile a moment and thank God,
for every moment He cares for
you all the way.
Good Night.

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