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Idea for Valentine Days

missTENSION Guestbook

missTENSION  (13 years ago)
The WORST Relationship status on earth is ... "being in truely in love with someone and still single.
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'wHeReVeR YoU Go, No mAtTeR WhAt tHe wEaThEr, AlWaYs bRiNg yOuR OwN SuNsHiNe... – yOuR AtTiTuDe, NoT YoUr aPtItUdE, wIlL DeTeRmInE YoUr aLtItUdE...' GoOd nIgHt dEaR FriEnD... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
PoWeR Of gIrLs: A BoY MaKeS A MiStAkE, gRl sCoLdS HiM, bOy sAyS"SoRy" NxT TiMe gRl mAkEs a mIsTaKe, BoY ScOlDs hEr, GrL CrIeS.. BoY SaYs"sOrY" hAvE FuNnY DrEaMs aNd sMiLiNg dAy... {Image} {Image} adult kid
maruf794  (13 years ago)
TaKe sOmE TiMe tO SmIlE WhEn yOu aRe sAd... To rEsT WhEn yOu aRe tIrEd... To lOvE If yOu aRe... FeElInG EmPtY AnD To lEt gO If yOu nEeD To... TiMe eNdUrEs, TiMe hEaLs... In tHiS LiFe , jUsT TaKe sOmE TiMe fOr yOuRsElF... GuT NiGhT... {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'wEn u hV So mUcH PaIn iN Ur hEaRt &U WaNt 2CrY,D OnLy pErSn wHo cAn sToP U FrOm cRyInG Is eXaCtLy d sAmE PeRsOn wHo mAdE U CrY...'wIsHiNg lOvElY NiGhT... {Image} {Image} {Image} tension will you come..i miss you
Shifana69  (13 years ago)
{Image} {Image} missing u
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'eVeN A HaPpY LiFe cAnNoT Be wItHoUt a mEaSuRe oF DaRkNeSs, AnD ThE WoRd hApPy wOuLd lOsE ItS MeAnInG If iT WeRe nOt bAlAnCeD By sAdNeSs. It iS FaR BeTtEr tAkE ThInGs aS ThEy cOmE AlOnG WiTh pAtIeNcE AnD EqUaNiMiTy..' GoOd nIgHt.. {Image} {Image} miss you missing tension

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