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AGDZ2439 Guestbook

AGDZ2439  (11 years ago)
A rich man looked through his
window and
saw a
man picking something from his
thank God i am not poor. The
poor man
and saw a naked man
misbehaving on the
street,he said thank God i am not
The mad
man looked and saw an
carrying a
corpse to the mortuary,he said
thank God
i am
not dead. In any situation give
thanks to
•If you are grateful just type
"Thank you

AGDZ2439  (11 years ago)
I wanna write ''I love you''
on a rock and throw it at
you so that you know how
much it hurts to love
someone like you.

AGDZ2439  (11 years ago)
Be carefull what you wish for
especially,,,,,if you are cold

AGDZ2439  (11 years ago)
Remember that all u
give out in charities and
good deeds are like loans
which will be paid back to

AGDZ2439  (11 years ago)
On d Authority of Abu Hurairah
(R.A) said;A man ask Prophet
(S.A.W); counsel me'. He
said atagaraf means do nt
bcome angry. D man repeated
{his request} 3tyms,nd he said:
do nt bcome angry
(Narrated by Bukhari)
jumma'at kareem

AGDZ2439  (11 years ago)
THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD(S.A.W) Emphasised ON 6 keys to PARADISE; 1)-Be Truthfull wen u
SPEAK. (2)-Fulfil wen u PROMISE. (3)-Uphold ur trust wen TRUSTED.
(4)-Guard ur PRIVATE parts. (5)-Lower ur GAZES. (6)-Restrain ur HANDS.

AGDZ2439  (11 years ago)
Smiling is always easier than explaining why you’re sad.

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