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xiaomantoubei Guestbook

YellowDoll  (12 years ago)

misyo so much

hupp everything f9 widyo

i oways keeping uu in ma heart whereva i am

till ma last heartbeat
ur oawys my bestie

btw uu read the status of lor in her profile shes so busy n she missin us so much

and sally told me she misses u

YellowDoll  (12 years ago)

YellowDoll  (12 years ago)

kittyTINE  (12 years ago)

misyo tu my lovely eva bestie

rily hup i could catch & talk wid yo ir v

well mybe im here on saturdaý night till sundaý morning ..

Keepsafe and loveyou eva
kittyTINE  (12 years ago)

misýo so bad mý princess

im so sad dat , i cnt even log in awhile ago tu see uu and talk widyo

tkr owaýs darling & foreva u r oways in ma heart and in mý dreams

# labssyo
kittyTINE  (12 years ago)

"A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary." Read more: http://www.oprah.com/relationships/Mothers-Day-Quotes-Motherhood-Quotes-Quotes-About-Moms#ixzz1uk97bnwJ




kitty tine
YellowDoll  (12 years ago)

kittyTINE  (12 years ago)


Best friends last a life time

they stand the tests of time

Best friends are someone you
can count that’s why they’re hard to find


From the start we’ve shared a love of fun

Some crazy things
we’ve done together
and as friendship goes
this is the best

It’s bound to last forever

enjoi ur weekend

YellowDoll  (12 years ago)

i owaýs stay beside
uu no matter wat
people think of you ( cuz i know uu more ,, more
than theý know you ) - pinký
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