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Last login: 12 years ago
Skinner since: 14 years ago
Country/Area: Capiz
Gender: Male
Age: 36

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Relation: In a Relationship
Mobile Model: Nokia N73
Mobile Operator: 09469567499
Occupation: Boss
Schools: Harverd University
I Like: Don, 39, t worry about a thing
I Hate: Cause every little thing gonna be all right
Favorite Music: Singin, 39,
Favorite Movies: Cause every little thing gonna be all right
Favorite Books: Singin, 39, sweet songs
Favorite Celebrities: Sayin, 39,
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About Me

Like normals, vampires socialize according to personal preference; some prefer solitude and sometimes make their own fledglings believe that being alone is inherent to the vampiric state. Others enjoy close ties with others of their kind and some with humans as well. The strongest bond, and one that is usually unbreakable, is between sire and fledgling. Part of that is due to ties usually developed before the fledgling is turned and part from the mental ties between them.

Vampires do have a variety of powers including the ability to read a human's mind if they concentrate on it and to mesmerize a human and also to cause him or her to forget something that happened, either completely or faded to a dream. Mental communication between vampires is as easy as verbal speech if neither party is shielding himself. While they don't have the ability to turn into bats or wolves--and curse Bram Stoker for his dramatization of them!--they can turn to mist. Or rather, they can thin themselves to near transparency, more to the point of seeming to be mist, or still more until their very molecules are so diffuse that they can pass through solid objects. All of these powers are inherent to the vampire and grow as they age and become more powerful, so an older vampire is usually going to be stronger in all of his abilities than a younger; however, the stronger the sire, the stronger the fledgling as well, so some new vampires, if their makers were old and/or powerful, are as strong as or stronger than others centuries old who had younger, weaker makers.

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12 years ago
Hi. ,nice pic. .i hope we can be pwen. .
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