Uma929  Ziyaretçi Defterim (43) Ziyaretçi Defterine Yaz

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4 years ago

"Try to be like the turtle
at ease in your own shell." - Bill Copeland

7 years ago

12 years ago
me kuch b nae fre ho?or and u
12 years ago
hi h r u
13 years ago
Hi my dearfriend hows u?Hopeyou fine Please my dear.. Voteforme and my partner.. Justwrite "EDEN80 &YOUTHROCKZ80" inbebodreamworld2guestbook..Her avatar is a Ownskinscreenu cn find her in myG'book(VOTING LINES R OPENTILL SUNDAY 8A.M)..Please helpme to vote forme..Because i really need it towin "OWNSKIN JODI OFTHE MONTH"..and i wanna winthis compitition.. So please mydear lovely friend help me hopeyou will.. Thank you!
13 years ago
May the 65th yr of that glorious night, Revive in our hearts the pristne zeal; Which inspired our souls to emerge as one, To erase from our destiny the British seal. May this auspicious day set at rest, Our turbulent minds and stormy past; May we all become a single hand, To firmly hold on to the nation's mast. May Pratibha, Hamid and Man Mohan Singh - The highest Triumvirate of India's fate. Become three faiths like the National Flag, To end the era of spite, malice and hate. Happy Independence Day...!!! ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
13 years ago
hi uma how are you
13 years ago
Hai i am from anantapur my cell no is +919440857665 you r cell no is ?
13 years ago
ThE mOSt SeLfISH oNe LeTteR wORd 'I', AvOiD iT. ThF mOSt sAtIsFyInG tWo LeTtEr wORd 'WE', UsE iT. ThE mOSt pOiSoNoUs tHrEe LeTtEr wORd 'EGO', KiLL iT. ThE mOSt uSEd fOUr LeTtEr wORd 'LOVE', VaLuE iT!!! GooD mOrNiNg DeaR & hAVe A FaBuLoUs DaY aHeAd...!!!
13 years ago
If U'rE nOt haPpy beIng siNGle, u'lL neVer bE haPpy iN A reLaTiOnShIp ! Y ?! LIVe uR oWn lIFe fiRst, nD tHEn tRy tO shAre iT wITh sOMe1 sPeCiAl... gOOd aFtErNoOn dEAr...!!!
13 years ago
EacH DaY GoD seNds hIs anGEls tO guIde uS. We doN't exPEct tO sEe tHEm wITh wiNgs, oR wITh hALo fLyIng abOve thEir heAds. InStead, tHEy cOMe in disGUise aNd wE cAll tHEm friEnds. ThANks fOr beIng aN anGel tO mE! GooD aFtErNoOn mY dEAr frIEnd...!!!
13 years ago
Care is the main ingredient that keeps true friendships alive despite separation, distance and time. Care sustains love. Since I can't see you, let my care be with you, friend! Good Afternoon Dear & Have A Blessed Day Ahead...!!!
13 years ago
Care is the main ingredient that keeps true friendships alive despite separation, distance and time. Care sustains love. Since I can't see you, let my care be with you, friend! Good Afternoon Dear & Have A Blessed Day Ahead...!!!
13 years ago
Could you do me a favour? Put your left hand over your right shoulder then your right hand to your left shoulder. There! I've just given you a morning hug!!! Good Morning Dear & Have A Great Day Ahed...!!!
13 years ago
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13 years ago
We always feel that God never comes on time when we call him... But the truth is that He is always on time. Only we are always in a hurry. So have Patience... Good Night Dear Friend...!!!
13 years ago
There is a miracle called 'Friendship' that dwells within the heart and you don't know how it happens or when it even starts. But the happiness it brings you always gives a special lift and you realize that Friendship is God's most precious gift. Thanks for giving me the precious gift of "Friendship"
13 years ago
Treat life as a sea, heart as a seashore and friends like waves. It never matters how many waves are there? What matters is which one touches the seashore. I just wanted to be the wave that touches your seashore. Good Evening Dear Friend...!!!
13 years ago
Just a note to say hello before I start my day couldn't help but drop a line to my friend so far away As I sip my fresh brewed coffee thoughts of you have crossed my mind so I'm sending morning greeetings with hopes your day is fine Today is filled with sunshine like the friendship we two share my day will be just dandy I'll pretend that I'm there I have to go for now my friend have lots to do today but wanted to say good morning. Good Morning Dear Friend & Have A Sweet Sunday Ahead...!!!
13 years ago
Hi uma karo dua aap aur hum dost baan jaye
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