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SuGArRAinBOw@NoTHiNg ELsE lEfT tO sAy
31+    BlUe sKy ~

About Me:

ThE liTtlE ThiNgS mAkE ME lAUGh ~ Its not hard to please me ... I'm a free-spirit I'm strong and determind I love to look at the stars .. I'm just a GiRl ^^ and that's all I wana be :3 . . . لآزلت اصمت عندّمًآ يَزعجنُيـۓ أمَراً مآ ... ثُمّ يسَالوني . بّ ھدوءْ... أھنَآگ مّآ يزعُجُگ ... فّ أجيبھّمُ بّ إبتسًآمَھ لآآ عَآدددَيْ بس مالي خلق
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Relation: It's complicated
Mobile Operator: VoDAvoNe
Occupation: StUdEnt
Fav. Celebrity: HiM ANd oNlY HiM
Skinner Since: 12 years ago
Last Login: 12 years ago

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